Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2: January 2, 2012

Hazel had a fun filled morning going on an outing with her Granddaddy Q and got some new paints and a fancy hello kitty sucker. She was in heaven. As we were coming back downstairs from getting paper to draw on, she goes "where my boys?!" (her daddy is from Detroit you know) Brandon, desi Q, and granddaddy Q were in the other room. Here she is playing with her new paint pen/markers. While they were out, I got a 2 mile run in, played a little soccer, and Desi Q and I went on a glamorous outing to the grocery store. I keep forgetting how big he is getting as he sits on his own with a firm grip on the bar in front of him and a huge grin. Grocery shopping has never been quite so cute!

1 comment:

Greg and Blythe said...

I love your goal! Mainly because I love hearing what's going on with you guys and seeing fun pictures :)
