Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Canal boat!

The next few days of our Europe trip, we spend on a canal boat roaming through the English countryside. It was gorgeous and low key.

Here we are headed out for a walk.
Just a pretty tunnel we were headed through. This is about halfway through our journey when we were about to turn around and head back.
Brandon and Hazel hanging out while we are waiting for the locks. We were in a "queue" (in england it is not ever a line, it is a queue) for a few hours to go through the locks, so we wandered a bit. The locks were a 4 person job, one person driving, another on Hazel duty, and the other two cranking the locks open and closed. It was such a cool experience.
Here you can see a few of the boats mooring on the side.
The first day it rained quite a lot, but we still explored equipped with our rain jackets.

Here you can see Hazel entertaining herself inside. At some point in the trip she found a pair of each person's shoes and tried them on for size. You can see a bit of the interior here too, she is in the kitchen/tv area. Past this area there were three other rooms, 2 toilets, and a ity bity shower.
On our third day on the boats, the sun finally graced us with it's presence and I threw on my swimsuit and read on the roof. Brandon sweetly hung out with Hazel and put her down for a nap then came and joined me. Seriously, best husband ever!

Daryth, being, well, Daryth. I'm sure she'll love this pic. She forgot a rain jacket, so this glorious neon creation is only on loan, she didn't get to keep it, what a shame.
Hazel LOVED to be outside. This feels like a very Titanic moment.

1 comment:

orangemily said...

What a great way to see the country exploring the canals on a boat. I love it!