We finished with the canal boats on Monday morning and Brandon's Aunt and Uncle picked us up and we headed to this beautiful wooded area where they had spread his Stepdad's ashes. It was a gorgeous day and we went for a little hike around there, had a picnic lunch, then got a mini tour of Oxford, had ice cream, then took hazel to this adorable little park. Don't mind that the pictures are mostly backwards.
I used to LOVE these when I was little. I liked to spin around and around. I still remember this park right next to my mom's hair dresser. My sisters and I would go play while my mom got her hair done. They had a great one there, I would probably still fit on that one...I think this one is made for someone closer to, well, hazel's size.
Hazel totally enjoyed it though.
We also tried out this great squeaky teeter totter.
And daddy showed Hazel what the slide was all about. I think this was one of Hazel's favorite parts of the trip. I think it was high on my list too. What a great little treasure that if we hadn't brought her, we would have totally missed it.
I think these swings are better designed than the ones in America too.
An awkward impromptu self portrait...you like?
We were so excited to see these booths all over the place, we had to take a pic!
Seriously some of the most gorgeous architecture of the trip all right up next to each other. It was amazing!
My love and me
Hazel couldn't make up her mind whether she wanted to be carried or attempt to go down the steep dirt steps on her own, so she just plopped right down in front of her Mam-ma.
Brandon hiking around with Hazel. It was soooo pretty!
There was this great little tunnel that used to have a railroad right through it.
Dir walking around with Hazel bug. She really loves older men. There must be some grandpa vibe that just gets sent off, because she bonded with him right away.
(Back to) School!
5 years ago
Beautiful! I love the little park. Most places here have taken those spinner things out because they aren't considered "safe" I think they're fun!
Didn't we have a wonderful time??? I miss you all ;)
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